My Thoughts
I love the idea...that I can find new ideas that will make a difference in the classroom.  To show students what others are coming up with is valuable to them because it creates a jump off point for them.  They aren't paying attention to the past..but want to move forward.  They never feel like they can't do it.  They want to try their hand at everything new.  I love to give directions with the new tools with our core.
We need to play with some of these new programs or even share something.  We should try to share something in creative commons.  That way when students ask about it, we now have experience. just mentioned this.

Flickrstorm  (for a citation)

Web 2.0
is all about sharing and collaboration.   I like that quote that said, 
" You are what you share"...not any more of what you own.  Kids motto:  
We think therefore we are.

What's going to get me in trouble?
Does it interfere with your role of being an educator?  Lose respect?  Sometimes one small mistake can have huge consequences.  Post only what you want the world to see.  Never discuss your students, teachers, etc on your post.  Remove  any inappropriate content.  
ALL communications you have with students need to be SCHOOL related. where you will get into trouble. If you ask students for twitter, etc...include the parents.  Respect those boundaries.
I was thinking how I might have friends from high school that post things that I don't like.  So, I can see that I need to remove some posts.  We are teachers and that is a place we should stand as an example.

PLN- Personal Learning Network
Friends, always there (midnight friends...who else might be up), 
Issues:  Take time to build your network and build trust.
Tips:  Be active in the process...once a week isn't very often, use # hashtags, retweet, participate in chats, free technology for teachers, share, share, share
Expectations:  What new people you have connected with, what you have learned.

Creative Commons
When you share your creative wealth, you automatically own the copyright, but what if you want to copyright license...totally free, now people can use your ideas, for free.

Web 2.0 is a loosely defined intersection of web application features that facilitate participatory information sharinginteroperabilityuser-centered design,[1] and collaboration on the World Wide Web