Guest Speaker:
Eric Peterson- cell:  [email protected]    (email about microorganisms)

Educator and supplies
Thanksgiving point has some resources
Where to find items:  They have a list

Mayflys...immersing from the water...very interesting video.
Stoneflys...bigger...showed coming out
Catisfly--like in a sleeping bag before the wings
Cranefly  - just lets...become Mesquito eaters
Blackfly- very tiny ...they stick themselves to a tub...sometimes
Dragonflies-    they bite especially when in the nymph water farts...suck water in the backend and then shoot it out and it pushes them forward
Water Boatman---go to the surface and get an air bubble and then

BAD bugs:  

Instructions on how to make a screen catcher for the stream.
2 dowels, screen, duck tape and stapled to screen.

Warmer water..less oxygen the water can hold.  Fish like colder water...more oxygen.  
Natural reasons...seasons, length of river, location, hot springs

Test temperature:  Turn on..turn it to celisus...just put in water
Dissolved oxygen- rapids add...but if it doesn't ...they will die ( had a crazy pic)
New fish need more oxygen in water than older fish
Time of day to test for Dissolved oxygen...morning less and night with photosynesis

Nitrates...if you have too can have blue baby suffering from lack of oxygen.  If you have a well...need to have well tested.

Test first..packet..shake 3 min,
All garbage in the field that is contaminated..goes in a waste bottle.

Bugs don't bug Build a bug...dress a kid.
Water cycle teachers book

What I learned new today:

My favorite today was learning how to collect a lot of data and then how to make it readable on a map.  I love that!!!  It seems very college ready.  It would be great to have students know this for their future research in school.
Believe it or not I learned a lot about the the program Excel.  I had to take notes on my blog so that I don't forget.  

PS.  I really liked the guest speaker.  He had a great voice that was easy to listen to and he was easy to understand.

Something that I found interesting:

How to use dropbox on iPad was interesting.  I'm tired of emailing pics and video...this is better.  Thank you!


I think it would be good to know the program Excel if you plan collecting data for GPS...or do what we did today..but...Can we have a handout (simple) of the steps we need to know in Excel?

First:  Meeting in the basement for the morning
Make a new folder for this whole project:

Three people to a team:  Scribe, measurer, GPS...way point (name the points)
Way points, Take a pic (by time), Measure at chest level,  Upload pics to Dropbox and link

Mapping Trees
1. Waypoint
2. DCH  Diameter Chest Height
3. Height
4. Conifer or Deciduous
5.  Tree Name
6. Condition
7. Photo (by time)

Export:  CSV Text file- double click and Excel program will open it   line 23 has the info
YOu HAVE to right click to row 22....and select delete ( you can't just push the delete key)
Then below   (right click or control click)

Insert Columns
Highlight the six columns then go to insert columns
Add layer from file
Choose file
Choose CVS folder

Add layers that is Conifer or Deciduous
Add layer for Circumference
Add layer for height
Add layer for points

WATER Shed GUEST speaker
Stream Side Science

Watershed..collect..process and store and transport...water/sediments, soils, minerals, etc


We made letters outside by walking with our GPS.  Turn on tracks.  Turn time to 01 leave bread crumbs along the way so we make the letter of our name if we walk slowly.  The part that I thought was hard was to know when it was working.  You had to remember to go to the map and watch the bread crumbs fall.  Then between had to find the off circle button and turn off and reset.  I was good at marking each path with the name.

Basecamp application...Garmin Basecamp

Hook up the GPS to the computer and using on upper left icon..receive list from device. Then save into a folder...Make sure they are organized. (They said this was important).  Then open online

Nick Kryger
- amazing lecture..showing water, sewer...light..amount of daylight on houses/gardens

Cindy Clark
[email protected]
Call anytime if you have questions

The state of Utah Automated Geographic Reference Center- she works 

GIS day event in November
-How to bring it into High School/Middle 
Secondary...will bring a mentor into the class
has data (over 400 data sets to find), developer(base maps there) stuff, tweet,or blog...News..what is going on in the state..what we are developing.

connecting with data:
Take off this put it into shape files and bring it back in.
Connect to the Imagery:
Has vector, hillshades, etc

UEN classes available

School info:

GIS day
November 27 and 28, 2012

Place-based education- you have to go to the place to learn about the "thing".  To be able to have the full experience.
Project Based Learning- Several sites..even if in different states.  Kids into different groups to solve.
Community-based learning- Solving a problem for the community

If you don't know about are considered a muggle!  haha

Act like your GPS is a phone if people start to look funny and people

Be sure to log in your experience.

$10.00 (2 min video on that web page that is a good overview)
for your iPhone
Historical caches with virtual find.

High end Treasure Hunting

Earth cache is when it a geographic cool thing.

Never go by yourself.

Save page as a pdf to save to check later.
Intro:  Introductions from a geography point of view.  Everyone was from all over instead of just Salt Lake.
Movie Clip:  Left a note with Latitude/ Longitude instead of phone numberCMAP...GIS helps you make send home kids toTHE WHY WE DO ACTIVITES, NOT THE WHAT?
Google came in an bought a program called it's google earth.This is the everyday!  

Careers:  Map

On top of the Mesa...their own map....Water glifs...Circles with dots...Indians on how to find water...springsCircle was the ...horizon line...the direction to spring

Game:  Bring up a map....and have kids guess what is  the place...or map
Using program:  ArcGIS

GPS unit:  How To Do It
7 units that you can check out with district...use one kid writes down and one kid to use the unit.
Can't swing round and round:  Students want to do it..something goes flying

Cant go diving with them...but it can get rained on or drop in water...get it out quick..but its ok.
You have a better GPS unit than others in the state.  Just like what the students will have.

Think of it having an Atari stick...up, down, left, right or IN..that is enter.  
Lower right:  hold button 3 seconds...will turn it on.  Quick will bring up the screen stick it up or down to brighten or not.
Lower left hand button is the menu button
Upper right hand button
Upper two..zoom in and zoom out buttons- only on satellite screen.

Compass not a real compass- When you put in a isn't ready to go the way you want yet...start walking and then it will a line.
Once you start moving...that compass will automatically turn...only knows when you are moving.

Distance ( you want the number to go hot and cold...within 20 feet of the right spot (even if it says 0..) Now use your head, direction

Mark...hold joy sticks for 3 seconds...mark where you are
001...the way point...puts date, time, location, elevation (least accurate)

Put a ball and hide it and then mark and then navigate to that location.  Trade GPS units and find your friends marker. 

Delete your marks:..Main menu...find...waypoints....go to 001 or whatever...Find by nearest

Trip computer:  perimeters, distance speed, mile run...track them, 
Write the 001 and then write on paper where it is...or rename it

Take one waypoint and save as average...20 things and then when its done press ok...MOST ACCURATE
Get the point and relax for a will be more accurate...even place on the ground.

UTM grids Zones of the World by Alan Morton (not on core anymore but fun to use)
Topo maps...forest service is in UTM's

Great big TOPO maps
Post-it notes..tear into 8 or 9 it has the sticky on it.
Students need to learn about maps...and their symbolsDownload the symbol charts.*idea:  Make QR codes to kids can go to different sites to do the bingo game- with cards that Ross for a free map,T:,346

Great video on why its a world issue of why we need maps:

Mapping Team on video:   Data collection specialist
Power Point in a digital camera...GPS

1st...The lay of the land
proper map so the could help with the future of the site

2nd Phase:  Thematic maps....where things happen about in the map
Women a policeman say at that spot

They were proud

Help people learn things in new ways
Help people get involved
Help save the world



IPAD picture of Screen:  Push home button and click and release the power button and it will take a picture.

Google maps

Chrome browser:
Click Mymap
kmz files go with Google earth
Drag the file to the map and it makes it into 
Can change color of the track he walked
gps garmin basecamp-  looks like a yellow compass...install in iPad