Rotation of Cool Sites

I loved tonight!  I wish I could go to all the classes!  Now I'm going to go hunt through people's notes to get the information.
Free- Send out reminders  without knowing the phone numbers of parents and students.  They can't answer you back.  Send out a text out for a question of the day, reminders.  Keeps a history of who and what was texted.

FaceTime APP   and iMessage
When you have a problem- call ED tech....and show what the problem to the Ed tech on the iPad to the tech and they can help
Is an apple product. is clearer than Skype.  
Settings button...uses apple have to know their apple ID too!....Ross Rogers is [email protected]
Only two people at a time.  Apple
Talk with my computer at   Add a second email to wife's account...that way you can talk back and forth...also on iPhone.  

Make a book...that turns pages...EPubish...Epub
Open word documents in Pages
Layout like a magazine
Save as a pages...then export it as a Epub document....then it can open in an ereader.    It has a little red book icon.  Then go to file ...add to library...Ipad will sink with the itumes
Put the pictures in as you do the story....don't try to make pages...people will change the font..and so it will rearrange the layout.
Apps...pdf notes free
Save pdf's worksheets into the Dropbox to this library...pdfs...can use...zoom in, highlight, 
Copy machines that scan?  Scan then email to yourself...dropbox and then model it.
Reader- show class and read with them

Google Voice
Make a call....the assigned will record their voices...then you can check fluency, a poem, 
This is free....
One cell phone for every 2 as teams
Could use the school phone to do this.
If minutes are not a problem...then its good.
Go into in as yourself.....More menu...go to even more..... Bottom of Home and want a new number.  
Put in a real number....then it will give you a will phone you to find out if you are real...give code and then you can continue.
The student can text them back to give feedback.
Communication- with parents- 

Create a QR code---stands for Quick Response
Hold 7,000 info...Japan started it
Scan with an iPad, iPod, smartphone, 
Download an app...SCAN
1. URL...just copy and paste any site URL into the box and download the code.  2.  Your weekly page  3.  Your contact information  4. Plain Text   5.  YouTube video

QR stuff a QR generator

Photo APPS...biggest category of apps
Camera app on ipad...moved camera shutter under the right side..for your thumb..option...grid on or off...for rule of thirds.....subject should be on the intersection of the grid...keeps pics straight....front or rear facing camera...still and movie...subject comes closer

camera+  by tap tap tap 99 cents
Can't shoot video...but has enhanced features.  Stablizer, brust mode, menu, ...the heart..that he likes..saves to lightbox...edit...scenes...changes the lighting, ...10 or 12 choices, Rotate...flip, crop tool, special effects, ...when share goes to the site and see from there....boarders and will add a caption

Camera Awesome-  free
Stabilization, big button mode, slow burst mode, grid, horizon meter, composition tools...the big choose your filter  before hand... offers more services to send it too

Instagram--is an app  billed as a sharing site...
Take a photo...the water drop...keeps center focused and blur edges, finish
Geo tags puts a tag where you are at. of his favorite   1.99
Makes it to your camera roll on your iPad.
Could do 360 degrees...

Lego photo- free    Quilt blocks...paper fun at school
Turns everything into legos....

My sketch
Take a pic...  this one is cool

Age my face....  makes you look old!

Discovering APPs
Appsgrooves...helps find apps
Can do a search...paid apps list, free, has apps on sale, or vote for apps, starred apps, can see the top apps of the day

Cursive handwriting app...a sentence or

Ucets newletter...keep your eye out for it.
Discovr  1.99....lets you know what apps are out there and then makes a web...don't have to buy...can put it in a wish list...two arrows pointing down...go back to search

Prezi was hard for me.  I can see how students would enjoy watching something new but I was thinking I needed to spend some time with tutorials. The lady sitting next to was her second time...and she said it was easier.  That gave me some hope.

I'm thinking voice thread is going to be great.  I like that we are building jpg's that we will put together to comment on.  Next time, I would have a picture on it.

Prezi Overview:
1.  Like a large canvas
2.  It is online and so if you works on any computer...all you need is the internet.
3.  Better than thumb drive or's online.
4.  What is Prezi?   Ideas, show case work, persuade your audience, it takes away boring presentations, ideas, images, and video, zoom in or out to see the big picture or see details.
5.  Bring presentations back to life

Students love to do them.
Groups can edit them together...requires an email address.

Voice Thread
1. 26 Interesting Ways* to use Voicethread in the Classroom

2.Build slide in Keynote..use the Retro theme...Title images...Then put it in me the public link to Kelly in an email.

My favorite today was the hangout...really...the funny hats, faces, etc...I see teaching with kids would listen.  haha  I could see a lot of possibilities with it.  I will have to become brave to use Dropbox.  I see parents really liking it.

Drop box:
1. Use for handouts
2. Paperless classroom
3.  Don't lose assignments
4.  No more, "Can I get another...."
5.  No more, "I left my packet at school..."
6.  Email to the ink problem of printing...for students
7.  You can edit and update documents
8.  Long term storage of documents that they can store later.
9.  Students can easily share work with each other in small groups.
Advantages:  Students can edit and comment on each other's work, share ideas, topic choices, 
10.  Can put a list of "explorers" ..and students pick and it's first come first choose.
11.  Assign students to read 3 papers on their own of other students and comment.
12.  Debate team:  Never lose their resources.  Share ideas.  Free open exchange of ideas. 
13.  Deleted files...go to history...and restore the file.

Create Class Dropbox
Train with everyone before they let them into dropbox.  
You never save only to dropbox but also to computer.
Don't use this option for something you want to remain private.
Students could take someones save as a read-only file.

Drop it to me website:  upload your file...with teach password..(change every now and then)

Handouts-Store in a Dropbox-  Like how to use Google Docs

Google+  Hangouts
Can do a video chat with them.  You can have up to 10 people at a time talking.
Everyone has to be on google+  and be in a circle.
Allows to RECORD their hangout.
Can do screen sharing on and the person can add a page you can show them.
Google effects...put  google effects...hats, hearts, glasses, 

We did a dance class online with Katie's friend.  
I liked how they reenacted the CORE with movement.  She would say, "What does over look like?"...a kid would come up with it...and everyone would do it for 8 counts.  She said she does the planets, rocks, magnets, electricity...etc.
She had an "X" on the floor for the kids to stand during the Skype when they talked with the guest.

Side comments:
Five dollar words...write  boring piece...the kids have to rewrite it..with 5-dollar words.
This Mother's Day I didn't sleep in.  I should have.  I went to bed at midnight and I could have slept til 8:00, but I was the President Roosevelt and I was part of a reenactment. I was up at 6:30, snuck downstairs and plugged the internet in, then back to my computer.  

The funny part was, that I didn't realize it had started until about 6 tweets later when some person mentioned a boat.  My boys woke up and made me breakfast....well...they could hardly talk with me because they brought it to me during the bombing part and all.  First they were put-out and then they started sneaking food off my plate after a quick prayer. I keep reading what was happening, then slowly the came over and started reading it.  I had to run to the shower at 8:30 and left for church at 8:55 after sneaking back to my computer to see what was happening. When I came home, I was back online.  Hmmm...well, it's Mother's Day and I can do what I want...right?  

Things I wish would have been done different.  I would have liked a list of who the people were and what their roles were.  I had to look up some people because their comments didn't fit...and then after reading about made sense.  It seemed like Eleanor Roosevelt knew before it hit in a way.  

Thank you for doing this.  I keep thinking of more possibilities to do with this idea!
Frustration level has children read better.  They need support.  When a teacher reads it for them, they are not increasing.
I really enjoyed tonight because it went into details on applications/sites that I knew about but it went deeper into depth on it.  I am more excited about Twitter.  I see a lot more options than I did before. Loved the Pearl Harbor project. I will have to build my own class experience in the summer. My favorite tool to put in my class was the research options on Wikipedia.  I think with the new common core, that this will be helpful.

Steve Martin- It's fun to follow a comedian.

Classes that are really big...they communicate in Tweeter- post it up on a big screen so everyone can follow it
140 Characters- makes them focus on what they have to say
Teacher could be gone and still follow the discussion
Class- you have to have an email account to have it.

Links to use in the classroom:  tweeting history in the classroom

Students could make their own background for their tweeter page- art
Tweet an expert:  Great during an election year
Create classroom # for all to follow
Scavenger Hunt- Topic like China..tweet the links and then they post a link have to find a new link
Take a poll- graphing..could take a poll and keep track in google docs....then graph it after they got the dataA sample of a tweeting unit:The bombing of Pearl Harbor
Question of the day with other classes
  • Teachers will be working in groups of 2-3
  • Each group will be assigned a Pearl Harbor character
  • Each group will:
    • read the eyewitness account of their assigned character
    • compose tweets as if they were that person experiencing the bombing of Pearl Harbor
    • Record their tweets on the google spreadsheet
    • Each group needs to record the date, time, and the tweet with the hashtag #csdendorse
  • TwHistory
  • Titanic
  • Worldbookonline:  to get resources
  • oopstweet---social ooph    tweet deck
  • Created 13 bogus email accounts...on 13 different computers.  Give a time for it to come out.
  • What would you do when students would use bad language when tweeting.  Keep this serious and Jr. High friendly.

EDmodo...some parents use---Class friendly facebook- teacher controlled.
kids sign up and they can use it like facebook, but they can only can use it in their environment.  They said that they loved it.
All schools have been blocked from using this siteYounger grades- search ElmoSecondary level- you have should have them go through all the research to see if they are right.  Would teach with the new common could teach if the source is right.How to use footnotes.
Look up information on it as you teach a subject.
Look up what a word means when they don't know it.
Teach how to research as you go...not for one paper.
I liked the kid blogs for students.  I think it will make them feel very grownup and begin the process of being expressive with their thoughts.  I think that is a real plus.

Copyright...hmmm...let's practice this over and over to be brilliant!

Fair Use Copyright

1.  Limited and transformative purpose to comment on, criticize, or parody a copyright work.- Not illegal .
2.  Transformative- open to interpretation
Public Domain- anyone can use it but no one can own it....copyright expired, failed to renew, put in public, or doesn't protect this type of work.

Situations were you can use Fair use
1. Borrow a small amount of the item..Rules: nature of work. the amount borrowed, don't change the original, 
2. Teach with it
3. Criticize4. Rules: Music- 30 sec of a song, Movie 10% or 3 min of the movie..which ever is shorter,  
Fair Use Poster Poster - Fair Use .pdfCopyright and Fair Use Guidelines---for teachers 
par·o·dy/ˈparədē/Noun:An imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect.Flubaroo
A way to get kids to take a surveylike quiz and it gets put into google docs...and you can send an email to them to tell them the score.

Places to go:
Creative Commons
Copyright rules. has copyright over a lot of music.

Information for Educators from their site:CC Licensing Portal for Educators! The Educator’s Licensing Portal is an informational website for educators interested in licensing their work (be it papers, tools, photographs, video, handouts, lectures, or other educational resources) so that it can be shared with others. If you have resources that you would like to make openly available for access and collaboration, you've come to the right place! (More about the portal.) 
Searching sites to help students.  We took the New York pubic library.  Loved the primary sources material like maps and pictures.  Here is a great teacher pic I found.
Typical group of Gary, Indiana... Digital ID: 107663. New York Public Library