What do we do during Analysis?
Learning Goals-you will use different forms for analysis to come up with your goals.  Sometimes you are told what you are going to teach. (core)  You find the ways to teach the goal.

Key Points

Need Analysis-  (gateway) What is the problem?  What are we trying to solve?  Is there a need for training? Do we do a quiz or in-depth test? Screenings is first. (hearing..seeing) Need: review the unit- did I not teach well, enough time, classroom management, ?  How did they not get it?
What do I do in my classroom:  informal observation, reading the core curriculm, pretests, test data, kwl, what is the cause? setting goals

Learner Analysis- (population) understanding the student along with the project being designed. Mastery in the class, motivation, learning styles, and age, gender, level of education.  What engages them the most?
What do I do in my classroom: medical needs/history, family-weekend/divorse, language in house, where they come from-culture, what they know as a learner-overlap when we are looking for a need.  
How?  Gathering information. Helps to diversify your class. Surveys on feelings/thoughts, reviews-crt, files, aimsweb, skyward tells a lot, data dashboard, sri, every acronym, how much parent involvement, computers at home?, form...special skills with parents, find out their motivation, listening..interview, conversation, google them, survey monkey, google forms, journaling, observing the playground. (class size makes a difference on how to get to know students)

Task Analysis- four levels- job, task, skill and sub skill.  What is our agenda, how are we going to teach these people (lecture, role play, case study, simulation, gaming, critical incident, drill, job aid, critique, discussion, in-basket, on-the-job training, brainstorming
How? Breaking down the tasks(seeing it from the learners point of view)-preformance objectives, delivery method, how do I teach it to you?,Think of where you want them to be....what do they have do?...sub-groups, projects...step by step, detail by detail. Go back to your books to see the tools we already have...use your resources.   Making a time-line...how much time to allow for this. Make a lesson plan is powerful task analysis.

One minute:  How to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
(Learn that it has to be very descriptive and details.)  Get behinds the learners 
1. First find out if you are hungry?
2. See what supplies are in the house...knife, peanut butter, bread, jelly, plate.
3. First take out 2 slices of bread out of the plastic bag.
4.  Open up the jar of peanut butter with
4. Pick up a knife and use it to go into the jar of peanut butter and get a scoop of peanut butter.

App- Total Recall (bubble chart)
What do we do as teachers

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