Overview of A.D.D.I.E.    builds upon each other
  • Analysis needs  (Data gathering- state, national, outlined for us) goals, materials you want, what needs to be taught, learners capabilities (CBM...when you do it three times in a year)(Utips..if beginning of the year)
  • Design instructions (Blueprint stage)  write objectives, course construction,  chose a design format,format, design assessments, complete design plan (Storyboard)(goals and objectives)(planning)
  • Develop materials (if eLearning involved...if you can..then use it)  Create a sample and then do a run-through - maybe only in our minds, try to find some feedback- use colleges (Timeline) (Aesthetics)(production)(Lesson plans)
  • Implementation the instructions (teaching the lesson)  Arrange the learning environment, handouts ready, seating arrangements, prepare your learners- tools available, background (Aesthetics)(Learning environment)(delivery)(teaching)
  • Evaluation and revise the instructions- Formative evaluation is in every single stage, back over and over again, check to see if your analysis was ok, too many objectives into one?, did my kids learn what I wanted them to learn?,  (CBM- evaluation) (Utips)

Do's and Don'ts
Have clear objectives
Don't skip critical ADDIE steps
Don't put lots of objectives in a single one
Create good objectives instead of poor ones
Think about what the problems are going to be...then prepare for them
What are the students true needs

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